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Constant Contact - Marketing Software For Restaurants

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Our training program ensures that our certified consultants are well-prepared to become CEOs of their own consultancy firms. To further enhance our offerings, we have partnered with Constant Contact, a leading email marketing platform. As a certified Restaurant Consultant, you can earn commission by setting up restaurants with Constant Contact, delivering powerful marketing solutions to help your clients grow.

Constant Contact is a robust email marketing platform designed to help businesses create, send, and track impactful email campaigns. With its user-friendly features and extensive customization options, Constant Contact allows your clients to effectively reach their target audience and increase engagement.

Constant Contact's Best Features

Email Marketing

Constant Contact makes it easy to create, send, and track email campaigns, ensuring your clients can monitor their success and refine their strategies. By offering a wide range of customization options, Constant Contact allows restaurants to create personalized and engaging emails that resonate with their customers.

Email Templates

Browse hundreds of professionally designed templates, allowing your clients to choose the perfect layout for their email campaigns. These templates cater to various industries, ensuring that your clients can find a design that aligns with their brand and captures the attention of their audience.

Marketing Automation

With Constant Contact's marketing automation feature, restaurants can send timely and relevant emails to their subscribers. By automating the email marketing process, businesses can save time and resources while ensuring their campaigns reach the right people at the right time.

Landing Pages

Constant Contact's landing page feature helps restaurants capture new leads and grow their subscriber lists. By creating customized and visually appealing landing pages, businesses can encourage potential customers to sign up for their email newsletters, ultimately driving conversions and increasing engagement.

Event Marketing

Constant Contact's event marketing feature allows restaurants to create and promote events seamlessly. By using this tool, businesses can boost event attendance, engage with their audience, and generate buzz around their brand.

How To Become A Restaurant Consultant

As the owner of your very own consulting company, you can earn commission by setting up restaurants with Constant Contact. By offering this powerful email marketing platform, you can add value to your services and help your clients achieve their marketing goals.

To become a certified Restaurant Consultant and take advantage of this fantastic partnership opportunity, complete our comprehensive restaurant consultant training program. Once certified, you'll be ready to launch your consultancy firm and start offering Constant Contact to your clients.

Join The Restaurant Heroes today and let's work together to create a successful network of restaurant consultants, driving change and progress in the industry. With Constant Contact by your side, you'll be well-equipped to guide your clients to success and grow your consultancy business.


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